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Project E : Exploring and Experimenting with Experienced Environments

Phase 1 : Theorising  |  Phase 2 : Analysing  |  Phase 3 : Experimenting

The Cross-disciplinary domain of architectural psychology theorises on the intersection between human experiences in an environment and the cognitive processes in the human mind. Behaviours and emotions are a result of these mental processes. This project divides the entire study into different areas of interest that overlap in many realms, allowing a multidimensional projection of the study.


A 3 phase study proposed over a period of a few decades spreads from theorising to analysing and experimenting with the idea of environmental and architectural psychology. A detailed study examines many aspects of design to comprehend the cross-overs with human mental processes.

  • To develop a method of computing the extent of influence of environmental factors on human perception, cognition, behaviour and emotions.

  • To identify and analyze the effects of the environment on the human psyche.

  • To Launch a book summarising and hypothesising ideologies on the basis of the project at the end of every phase.

Architectural Emotionism; Behavioural Geography; Environmental Sociology; Gestalt; Psychogeography; Topophobia; Topophilia; Sensorial stimulation; Human sensation; Biophilia; Social Cohesions

01: Discovering Spatial Judgement Through a Child's Perspective

05: The Influence of the Built Environment on Mental Wellbeing

09: Therapeutic Mileu

02: The Psychology Behind Traditional Geomancy

06: Human Response to Experimental Architecture

10: Association of Phantasmagorical Spaces and Human Emotions

03: Psychological Inferences in Heritage Architecture and its Impact on Human Evolution

07: Role of Architectural Juxtapositioning in Emotional Valence and Arousal

11: Engaging Cognitive Processes Using Materials

04: Comprehending Interior Spaces Through the Lens of Human Emotions

08: Human Information Processing of Technological Revolution Within Architecture

12: Role of Architecture in Individual and Social Disparity

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